Day Four – Home for the Weekend

March 27, 2020

My beloved is home for the weekend.

Florentino came to us with a proposal tonight, little brother Juvie in tow.

After we’d moved countries a few years ago, the boys frequented MineCraft, socialising with friends they’d left behind. As the bonds of friendship strengthened in our new town, they abandoned it.

This week MineCraft is making a comeback as a surrogate for the face-to-face socialising of highschool life.

Tino, fed up with the lag and the long queues on MineCraft’s free servers, and at the urging of his associates, proposed that if we cover the cost of access to a private server for his crew, they would be good for the cash when the war is over. How much are we talking about? Ten dollars a month.

Adults too will need surrogates for actual socialising (Facebook anyone?) as the binds begin to burn. I may look into that over the weekend, after catching up with my sweetheart.

Juvenal played hours of tennis today, and will again tomorrow. But that may be it: the courts decreed out of bounds as of 11pm Saturday.

Tonight his grandparents told him their access to the community garden where they grow 70% of their food will also be revoked.

The lifestyles of all will need some serious adjustment.

An educator minding students far further down the continuous learning path than ours asserts that once familiar with it, kids will strike out on their own learning adventures. In so doing they encounter kids with similar interests all over the world, and together form new knowledge nexus. A new world unfurls and they have it all to look forward to.

Meanwhile in the old world …

Gabe, the oldest, went to school today, actual physical school, to meet a teacher and discuss issues with an assignment. He saw no other students and perhaps 3 other staff. They sat ‘socially distant’ and he came home far more comfortable with the way school is going than when he left.

People are adjusting. Kids in particular are quick to shift to the new regime, enjoying the freedom and self-direction it gives them. In time of course, self-direction collides with responsibility.

We talked about that a little today. Next week we’ll introduce more routine, and a ‘group activity’, another surrogate for meeting with actual friends. Our first activity: to sit together and read for an hour. I will get some practice in over the weekend – when I’m not helping my beloved in the garden, or with Juvie wrestling monsters in his science report.

We’ll pull those weeds and beat those monsters down, and I’ll see you, refreshed, on Monday.



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